Foot anatomy

Every cyclist knows what is a hot foot. It is a burning pain in the ball of the foot that radiates going to the toes. It hits every cyclist who loves tough mountain rides or long distance cycling. The pain is not caused by heat, but by the pressure on the nerves situated between the five metatarsal bones. These nerves get squeezed due to the furious pedal movements between the heads of these bones. Often, cyclists pour water to quell the burning feeling, but this is not the correct solution. Read more . . .

mountain biking

Cross country mountain biking is cross country at its best. Where free riders and downhill bikers use ski lifts and four wheel bikes to get them to their destination, cross country bikers get to the top of the mountain by the ride. Though free riding is very famous, the life vein of the sport has always been cross country biking.

Just as cross country riders are a different breed, the bikes they ride are also different. The cross country bike is entirely different in many ways from other kinds of mountain riding bikes. The premise for cross country riders is speed. Read more . . .

Winter biking

Mountain biking in cold weather has always been a great challenge. The problem is that you’ll start out cold, then warm up and perspire, making yourself wet. However, as you travel downhill, the combination of wet skin and wind chill will be quite chilling.

Below is a list of the cold weather clothing that will make winter riding less of a bone chilling experience. Read more . . .

BMXsWhat are the Basic Parts of a BMX Bike?

Owning a brand-new BMX bike evokes feelings similar to driving a car for the first time – you’re excited, nervous and, at the same time, a little anxious that you don’t know everything that needs to be known about your new vehicle.

Yes, your BMX bike is technically a vehicle (even though that term evokes weird images of cars and trucks), and you have to know its most vital parts if you want to be able to maintain it Read more . . .

 Jumping bike

With mountain biking being a very popular sport, there are many bikes to choose from. Depending on what type of riding you like, the style of bikes you can choose from will vary. Below, you’ll find tips on the different types of bikes available.

1. Cross Country

Almost all mountain bikes will fit into this category. Cross country mountain bikes are light weight, making them easy to ride over most terrains, even up and down hills. This is Read more . . .